
My name is Nathan, and this is a blog that follows my hiking and travel adventures throughout the Northeast US and occasionally beyond.  This primarily includes day hikes, and as of now, it has a record of my 2015 Road Trip that took me 11,000 miles across the US into many interesting and unique places.  As I prepare for another trip in 2017, I'll be recording that here as well.

It was in 2013 that I truly decided that I enjoyed hiking enough to go out of my way to do it more often.  I was home for the summer after my first year at college, and I took every nice day I could to head out to the mountains and try new places.  Prior to 2013, I had done a hike here and there, but not more than three hikes a year or something.

My first time hiking a big mountain was in 2010, when I hiked up Katahdin, Maine's mile-high beast in Baxter State Park, with a group of friends from high school.  In 2011, I invited my buddy Eliot to hike Old Speck, another of Maine's 4000 footers. This was our first time up, though I had been to Grafton Notch before in 2009 to visit the falls and gorges around the valley floor.  Now, to keep the tradition going, I try to hike Old Speck at least once every year, since it was the first hike that I lead. Since then, my desire for hiking has blossomed into something I try and do every week.

One of my goals for this blog is to have a database of trip reports for hikes in this area that other hikers can use while researching for their own hikes.  I have used many a trip report from other hiker-bloggers, and especially in the winter time, when your margin of error is significantly smaller, it's great to have information from other people who are out in the hills.

My second goal is to have a more personalized way to share what I do for fun in my time off.  Despite being more of a scientific mind than a creative mind, I do very much enjoy writing, at least in this style.  So it's a way for me to write, and at the same time, share my (hopefully) good pictures of the stuff I see when I'm out in the backcountry.

I hope you all enjoy what you see here on my blog.  My guess is that if you clicked on a link to come here, you probably care about hiking adventures or road trips.  That's good because there is a whole lot of that on here.

Nathan J. Hillman

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