Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Digging out of Storm Juno!

I'll take storm Juno as an excuse to post some pictures!  You should know I go nuts prior to any snowstorm forecasted.  Maybe it's unreasonable, but I just get very excited.  Typically a snowstorm means I bring out the tractor the next day to clean up all the snow and ford a path to civilization.  As a tractor enthusiast, this is an enjoyable activity, even despite horrible weather conditions!  (It's not so bad when you know you have a warm woodstove to come in to.)

The snow lasted all day on the 27th, into the night, and dropped another 3 inches or so overnight.  Friday we are expecting more?  I am running out of places to put the snow.  Below are a selection of pictures I took to document this monstrosity of a storm.

Tuesday midday, Wombat sits patiently...
Quite blowy, so it left some patches bare and others
with about 2 feet.

Took the baby tractor out to snowblow some out of the way.

The weapon of choice.  44hp 4x4 POWER!
(Snowblower was having issues...went to the bucket method)

Wednesday morning, round 2 of clearing.
This is one of 7 piles!

I may have to make a quinzhee out of one of these piles.

[Insert some cheesy quote about walking into the distance.]

Our cabin.  Luckily there wasn't too much shoveling to
be done because TRACTOR.
Yay.  A clean driveway.  Ready for...more snow I suppose.

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